Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fitletic Hydration Belt Review!!

Hydration Belt (16oz)

I had the honor of using Fitletic's 16 ounce hydration belt for a few runs this past week.  Let me tell you, it was a pretty large step up from the old fuel belt I was using.  The last brand name I used was "fuel belt"...decent for an entry level system, but lacking in tons of areas that I really didn't know there was a cure for until I got my Fitletic hydration belt.

I must say, I am sort of vain when I run, knowing I don't exactly look all pretty and the like, and then if I strap a belt on my waist, hips, butt or wherever it lands, then I just compound my stupid looks.  That, coupled with the fact that I don't like to carry things around with me when I run, makes hydration belts a bit of a challenge for me.

Living in lovely Arizona where the average temperature is north of the temperature at Hell's Gate, running without water is, well, stupid.  So, being stupid starts to trump looking stupid sometime in March usually.

I started my 1:45 minute run with the Fitletic belt pulled low around my hips.  Being a guy with less junk in the trunk than a greyhound dog, it started slipping downwards.  No problem, I adjusted up the clips making it tighter and away I went. 

I have the larger 16 oz (total) bottles, so they are a wee bit heavier than the 7 oz bottles that was with my old fuel belt, but that really didn't bother me at all.  I was glad to have that extra couple of ounces.  The bottles didn't leak and I loved the quick release tops that are on there, much like the Camelback Podium bottle I use on my bike...you just squeeze the bottle and your liquid comes out, not a tooth harmed in any pulling process to open the valve...just point, squeeze, and drink.  No slamming the valve shut either, just put it back in the belt, no leaking, no dripping, no mess.

I will admit that I wore the belt backwards or at least not in compliance with the pictures on Fitletic's website, http://www.fitletic.com .  I wore the bottles, along with the pouch, on my backside and the buckle on the front.  I just like wearing it like that as it feels more natural to me.  I would think the other way, bottle more towards the front, would work just fine as well, maybe even better.  I'll try that next time. 

I squished 3 gels in my pouch, along with my iPod, and never had a problem getting gels out or anything falling out.  I never even really felt it was back there.  It was tough to access it as it was at my back, but that's because I chose to put it "backwards" and wear it that way.  You could easily fit a normal sized smart phone (not those giant ones...but if you're carrying that, you should be sitting down anyway), some gels, and your keys in the pouch if needed.  It's very generous.

Overall, I really like the hydration belt.  I'd give it a 9.5 out of 10.  I love the squishiness of it, which  makes it nice if it rubs on your skin during a run...it doesn't tear your skin up and rub your raw within 10 seconds like the other brands.  I really like the stretchy belt where you can adjust it, as that was soft and supple as well.  My complaint with other belts is that they just don't pull in enough for a 29 inch waist but Fitletic did!  It did bounce a little bit but as the weight decreased as I consumed the water, it was less and less.  I do think that if I wore the bottles more near the front, or the proper way it's suggested to be worn, there would be no bounce at all.  In the neato cool factor department, the elastic "straps" that ensure the bottles stay firmly in place in their holders were a pretty slick idea and I love them.  They're intuitive and make the process easier. 

Now my wife wants one with pink piping on it for her self.  I guess I'll be going shopping this weekend on Fitletic's website for her very own.